This year marks our 60th year of service to northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio in promoting astronomy and allied sciences to our members and the public. With our incorporation in February of 1959 the Society embarked on an adventure of bringing the wonders of our universe to the eyes and minds of thousands of our visitors – individuals, families, enthusiasts and students. In cooperation with many organizations and institutions in the area we have promoted astronomy-related events and programs that have been a significant part of the culture of our society.
To celebrate our 60 years of service we have chosen the date of Saturday, July 20th, which is coincidentally the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon. We are also using this date to announce the public “Securing the Dream” fund drive to secure $100,000 for an endowment to support the operations of the Star*Quest Observatory:
The festivities will begin with a kickoff ceremony followed by an open-house observatory tour. Weather permitting, a public star party will follow until 12 a.m. Several of our members will have their telescopes set up for public viewing. Dress informally and warmly and bring your family to enjoy this facility, featuring the state-of-the-art Richard Johnston 16” telescope and the Society’s original hand-crafted Newtonian Harnishfegger-Crow 12.5” telescope.